16th-22nd April, 2017…..in pictures

Plants with an animal theme, warbling birds, a moth with a liking for writing and celebrating National Tea Day are amongst this week’s highlights in Unforgettabubble. Here is the week 16th – 22nd April, 2017 in pictures……

The Gorse bushes were in full bloom in my local disused quarry (above) whilst plants with an animal theme also put on a great show – False Oxlip, very small Cowslips and Common Horsetail.

A single False Oxlip ( a hybrid between the Cowslip and the Primrose) nestles under the trees

…and close up


Due to the height, poor soils and climate Cowslips in the quarry are much smaller, almost alpine-esq

Common Horsetail covers much of one of the grassy banks


Other plants of interest this week include this Violet which I’m putting down to Early Dog Violet but I need to return to make a confirmed identification. It is tiny, really tiny, smaller than my thumbnail.


Meanwhile, Ground Ivy makes an appearance for the first time this year…

….as does Lords & Ladies


On National Tea Day, I take to my nearest meadow and have tea for two with Primrose


The Willow Warblers arrive back in the forest

and Wrens keep themselves busy guarding their nests in the recently felled areas.

A squirrel decides to eat a pine cone on the side of a tree and sits on a very small knobbly bit 

and a Purple Thorn moth takes a liking to my pencil!


And finally, a Long Tailed Tit realises that his whole body will fit inside a peanut butter jar!


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